Remember the song, “What a Difference a Day Makes- 24 little hours?” I give you a pass if you don’t. It’s probably just us seasoned saints who do. I thought of it as I began my reflections today.. Wasn’t it just twenty four hours or so ago that the festive Passover crowd surged through Jerusalem shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” as Jesus made His triumphal entry into the city? And now, on this day we call “Good Friday,” the cheers that greeted Him turned to jeers as He made His way to Calvary shouldering a cross. Someone asked the question, “Why do we call it Good Friday if it’s the day Jesus died. What’s good about that?” On first thought that’s a reasonable question. The answer is found in the original meaning of the word “good. ” In ancient times it meant “pious or holy.” Think of our usage of good in describing the Bible. We call it the” Good Book.” Today is good because Jesus’ death allowed His resurrection. His resurrection conquered death and sin forever, granted us salvation and positioned us to be in right relationship with God. Think about it. Can it get any “gooder” than that! ( I know that’s not a real word, but it fits and you get my drift.)
It is appropriate I think for this day to be one of reflection upon the events that occurred more than 2000 years ago. Jesus’ death and eventual resurrection changed the world God created, setting it on a projectory to eternity. It gave humankind the proverbial “second chance” to get it right with the Creator. In the solemnity of the day we not only reflect upon its meaning, but also spend some time in self-examination, confession and recommitment. We own our mismatch of our assertion of faith and our actions of faith and commit to realigning them. Yes, it is a day when tears of sadness and joy comingle. The rainbow in the cloud of “shelter in place and social distancing” is the finding of contentment in the midst of contagion. Perhaps this historical moment of forced inactivity and the new norms is what God is saying we need in order to refocus on Him and the day He gave His only Son as a sacrifice of love for us.
Love. Joy. Peace.
We certainly Pray that with all that is happening many will say what must I do to be saved. Amen and Hallelujah